The Purpose of Decanting Wine & Whiskey

DECANTING SERVES TWO MAIN PURPOSES: TO SEPARATE A WINE FROM ANY SEDIMENT THAT MAY HAVE FORMED AND TO AERATE A WINE IN THE HOPE THAT ITS AROMAS AND FLAVORS WILL BE MORE VIBRANT WHEN SERVING. Why do we decant?  It’s not just the act of pouring liquid from one container to another that accounts for the magic of decanting. Rather, when you decant a bottle of wine, two things happen. First, slow and careful decanting of older wine allows wine to separate from its sediment. These sediments if left mixed in, will give a bitter, astringent flavor and ruin a well preserved wine. Second, when you pour wine into a decanter especially a younger wine, the resulting movement forces the wine to mix with oxygen. This enables the wine to develop its taste and come to life at an accelerated pace. How to decant  Decanting a young wine is easy. Just pour the wine into...

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