Alexandre Mars is on an a major journey with The Epic Foundation

Alexandre Mars does not speak, as much as fire with the Epic Foundation. Rat-a-tat-tat come the words; rat-a-tat-tat come the ideas. All delivered in a curiously mangled Franco-American accent that both belies his roots and traces his rather peripatetic global lifestyle. His philosophy is embodied by is his aptly named (given the scale of his ambition) Epic Foundation, which aims to create tools to help people give to charities dedicated to children and young people up to the age of 24. “A lot more people are giving,” he says over the phone from his home in New York, our conversation peppered with the ubiquitous police sirens and car horns. “If you ask 200 people whether they gave last year, most will answer yes. But if you ask them whether they have given enough, most will answer, no, even if they have the desire to give more.” ©Pascal Perich Alexandre Mars These budding better philanthropists list...

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